Author: Niall McGinnity, CEO @ Nuvem9
I get the opportunity to talk with many business owners through my work, and it often feels like the constant doom fed via news channels is really impacting on business confidence and buying decisions. There are definitely always challenges and that will always be the case. My advice to all business owners I speak to is that if you don’t fully know what they are, or when they will impact your business, focus now on the knowns.
Current news narrative is usually illustrative of what running your company always feels like – the highs and lows of new contract wins, people and team challenges, and constantly shifting priorities. BUT, the businesses that we see growing profitably and predictably aren’t chasing every new opportunity or reacting to every crisis. They master the Power of Boring —implementing the disciplined, repeatable habits that drive down through their business delivering sustainable success.
“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.”
~ John C. Maxwell
An Example: Kobe Bryant
One of the greatest basketball players of all time, the great, late Kobe Bryant, was famously known for his relentless dedication to the fundamentals. While other players slept, Kobe was in the gym at 4 AM, every day, practicing the same shots, same footwork, same drills. These were things that any of his peers could do, but he maintained the same routine throughout.
Why? Because he understood that mastery wasn’t about flashy moves or one-off performances; it was all built on a solid foundation of relentless execution of the boring but essential simple moves.
In one famous story, an NBA trainer arrived at a gym at 5 AM to see Kobe already dripping in sweat; he had been there for an hour, alone, working on basic moves. Later that day, Kobe played a game and dominated. Afterwards, the trainer asked: “Why were you working on such simple drills?” Kobe replied: “Why do you think I’m the best? I never get bored with the basics.”
Some examples of how to embrace being boring…..
Actually Looking at Your Numbers
Daily: Check cash at bank. Not just your balance, but where things stand with planned upcoming inflows and outflows.
Weekly: Review pending invoices, your WIP (Work in Progress) and unbilled time, turning effort into invoices faster is the easiest way to improve cash flow.
Monthly: Assess revenue per employee and gross margin per client. Low-margin work burns time and kills profitability.
Invoice Relentlessly and Collect Fast
Weekly: Chase outstanding invoices before they’re overdue. If you wait, you’re financing your clients for free.
Every new project: Set clear payment milestones—no work starts without a deposit, and no completion without final payment.
Watch your Margins
Every new deal: Gut-check pricing to make sure you are charging for deliverables and value, not just effort? Cheap work attracts cheap clients.
Every quarter: Renegotiate with troublesome or unprofitable clients. If they won’t respect and value your worth, consider moving them on and replacing with a client who better fits your values.
Next Month’s Pipeline
Daily: Spend 30 minutes on lead-generation efforts. Even when you’re busy, because busy doesn’t always mean profitable.
Weekly: Reach out to dormant clients. It’s 5x easier to re-engage an old client than land a new one.
Make Growth Boring (and Boringly Predictable!)
Monthly: Set a financial target and hold yourself accountable. Revenue targets, gross margin, cash flow, and track it like your business depends on it (because it does).
Annually: Plan your next hires before you need them. Hiring in panic mode leads to bad decisions, selecting the least worst candidate and cash flow strain in dealing with the aftermath.
Talk to your Clients
Constantly: Have a practice to constantly be speaking to and listening to your clients; understanding what they are concerned about, how they feel about your work, what else they need help with and most importantly, feeling secured in your constant support and availability.
Final Thoughts
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” ~ Bruce Lee
The businesses that win aren’t flashy – they’re consistently disciplined. If you want a business that grows, profits, and delivers you what you desire, focus less on the shiny new objects and more on the predictable.
Sustainable success isn’t built on breakthroughs – it’s built on boring, repeatable habits.
Main Image Credit: Photo by Lysander Yuen
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